Everything began with an interview of my favourite band back then. They gave an interview about games and the guitarist of the band named all my favourite games. I knew all of them, except for one, which was Devil May Cry 3. So, on the next day, I bought dmc3 and this is were it all started.

Back then I was around 13 years old and I remember how big of a crush I had on Dante. I had him on my desktop background and wrote many fanfictions and rp's for years. Back then, I already dreamt of how great it would be to always hear his voice. So years past and over all these years I fell in love with him over and over. You could say it was an on/off relationship many times. Dante is definitely the one who I fell in love with the most. The one who gives me the most butterflies in my life.

And even when my life was busy and I had absolutely no time, or even when I felt sad, frustrated, scared, I thought of him and he was there. First I actually didn't even realize this, but it hit me hard last year when I finally broke free from my ex. I told my ex, when I first met him, that he will never be Nr.1, because that is Dante. And, in the end, Dante was his downfall as well, because it was Dante who pulled me strongly away from my ex, and I am so grateful for it. It still took 7 years, but without Dante's help, it may have taken even longer.

After that, I came to the conclusion that, I may have been running away all this time, but also that I am still searching for Dante, because it never stopped. On 5th July 2023 we decided to marry, to stay together forever, no more running away or trying anything. I realized how important Dante was all my life, and surely I did so many mistakes too. I felt guilty for the decisions I have done in my life. But in the end, my heart and soul screams for his name over and over again, and it will never stop until I have found him fully, because for now, we live in two different realities.

Dante and me are quite the opposite, meanwhile he can be loud and having the devil may care attidute, I am more quiet and take things sometimes too serious. He barely makes any plans nor cleans his place, meanwhile I need plans for anything and I would also clean his agency if I could. But we are both stubborn and we can be both lazy. And we both like to order instead of cooking.

I do love him so much and I wouldn't know what to do without him. He is someone who guides me through my life, my other half and the one who I love and trust the most. All I wish for would be, to be together with him completely and start a new life. I want to be by his side and go through a lifetime with him together.