(First of all, I will explain here all dmc games as well as a bit from the anime. I will summaries quickly what happens but also don't say everything on purpose, so for whoever wants to play the games and/or want to watch the anime don't get fully spoilered.)

The hierarchy, in dmc games, time wise, goes: 3 - 1 - (Anime) - 2 - 4 - 5


Devil May Cry 1

Devil May Cry 1 was released in 2001 for the ps2. At that time, Dante is 28 years old and he has his agency called "Devil May Cry". The beginning of the story goes, that Trish searched for Dante, to help her to take down the emperor of the underworld, Mundus.

Dante travels to Mallet Island, where Mundus' castle is located. There he fights against demons and most bosses in dmc1 are also present in dmc5. He also meets his brother there, who is under the influence of Mundus and is seen as Nelo Angelo at this point.

Mundus is Dante's biggest enemy, since it was Mundus' fault for his mother to die and he enslaved his twin brother. In the end, Dante sealed Mundus away, saved Trish and went back to the agency. Both of them work together now and Dante renamed his shop to "Devils Never Cry", which he again changed later on back to "Devil May Cry".


Devil May Cry 2

Devil May Cry 2 was released 2 years after dmc1, also for the ps2. This part of the series is one of the most hated ones (after the dmc:reboot) and also has a bit different story even in production. The designer and team of dmc1 didn't even know that another team took this over and worked on it, but more later to that (in the dmc3 first paragraph).

Dmc 2 plays on an island called Vie de Marli, where he meets Lucia who asks for help to defeat Argosax, another powerful demon. Demons want, as usually in dmc, take over the world from the underworld. Dmc2 is also more focused on Lucia's story more than Dante's.

In dmc2, through Lucia, Dante met Matier, who knew his father Sparda quite well. Matier and Lucia are guardians of the island and prevent the demon to break through from the underworld. Lucia fell in love with Dante, Matier noticed that and questions him later onwards (in the novel) why he doesn't even say or reinsures Lucia that he is fine, meanwhile she is worrying. Dante stated that he doesn't reciprocate the same feelings towards Lucia.

In the end, Dante kills Arius, one of the main bosses and also creator of Lucia. Because of dmc2, we got the Bloody Palace mode. But the big downside of dmc2 is, that Dante barely can use his sword. Dante is, in dmc2, in his mid 30s.


Devil May Cry 3

Devil May Cry 3 came out in 2005, and after the team of dmc1 heard about dmc2 and about the backlash they got, the team wanted to save the franchise, and so dmc3 came out. And it was a huge success. Dmc3 is as well a ps2 game and got lots of praise for it's music, story and character developement.

In the beginning of the game, Dante, who is 19, doesn't have a name for his shop yet, but already got hired by Arkham. At this point, he knew that his brother was involved, who summoned a massive tower called Temen-ni-gru. Vergil's goal was always to get more power and didn't shy away to use any method to get there.

Dante wanting to stop his brother of killing more people (summoning the tower in the middle of a city killed a ton of people afterall) and cleared the way free to get to him. He met Lady along the way who was hostile first towards him because of him being a half demon.

After some time, Dante meets his brother, yet Vergil wins and awakens Dante's demonic power with Dante's own rage and stabbing Rebellion into him. Arkham, as well as Vergil, work together to open the gate of hell, meanwhile Dante and Lady trying to hinder them.

There are a few battles between Vergil and Dante. In the last fight, Dante wins, but Vergil still wanting to go to the underworld to gain more power. Dante trying to grab his hand, but couldn't and Vergil falls into the underworld. In the end, he decided that he will call his shop "Devil May Cry" due to Lady's words in the end, since Dante started to let some tears lose, with losing his brother once again.


Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 was released in 2008 for the ps3. Dante, at this moment is 38 years old. Dmc4 is Nero's story. The beginning of dmc4 starts in Fortuna where Nero sees Dante 'killing' the leader of the Order of the Sword. They worship Sparda, Dante's father, as a god. Yet Nero finds out that the guardians of the Order are actually demons.

Since the higher members are all demons, the leader isn't long dead because of this. They do believe they are angels, yet they are exactly the opposite. Nero tries to figure out what is going on, meanwhile the other demons kidnap his girlfriend Kyrie to see what Nero also can do with his demonic powers, since Nero is a quarter demon.

Dante's goal is to stop the Order from using Sparda's power. Nero didn't trust Dante most of the time, meanwhile Dante already saw a connection that Nero must be linked to his family tree. In the end, Nero couldn't take down the leader in the end, so they both worked on two sides to take down the enemies.

Nero saves his girlfriend, Dante helping him to defeat the demons and Nero starting to open up more to Dante. Dante saw in Nero someone, who could take over his job in the future.


Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5 was released in 2019 for the the ps4. Yes, the wait for horrible, the dmc community had to wait 11 years for this game. In dmc5, Dante is 43 years old.
In the beginning we see Dante, Trish and Lady fighting against Urizen, later on Nero and V joins, but couldn't defeat him. Dante got pushed out of the area and fell downwards, he ended up in a one month coma.

V and Nero withdrew to find a way to get stronger. V was trying to get the Devil Sword Sparda and Nero was on his way back to Urizen. V also found Dante and was able to wake him up. Shortly after, Dante figured out how he would get stronger to defeat Urizen and flew to the battlefield, where Nero was already losing against the demon.
In that battle, Urizen teleported away and Dante needed to find him again, which he did later on. At that point he already knew that Urizen was his brother and the demon still trying to gain more power, which failed again for him.

After the fight, Vergil returned to his original state, facing Dante and teleporting away again. Nero and Dante went after him and in the end, after a long fight, Vergil and Dante jumped into the underworld to stop the demon invasion and leaving Nero behind in the human world.


DMC: Devil May Cry Reboot

Good lord, why. This game is not even made by Capcom it was made by Ninja Theory, because Capcom thought that they should take over. Meanwhile back then, everyone in the dmc community said, that this is a very bad idea. The game was released back in 2013 and after all the drama, Capcom said that the Reboot is not canon.

The characters do act different and look differently. I also have nearly no recollection of memory of this game. Even Eva in this game is an angel, when in the producer of dmc said, that there are no angels in the dmc universe. Just the story is so weird, I can't even describe it in words.

Dante smokes in the Reboot, meanwhile Capcom said that Dante never smoked. We also don't know Dante's age at that point. I will quote what the dmc community says to this, and myself: The Reboot never happened and doesn't exist.


Devil May Cry Anime

The Anime of Devil May Cry was released in 2007 with 12 episodes. Dante is 29 years old and his job is to take care of a Patty, who is 12 years old, who longs for her mother, who abandoned her. She finds out the reason at the end of the series. Meanwhile some stronger demon want to emerge from the depth of the underworld to overthrow the human world once again. Dante again does his job and kills the next demon who wants to be emporer of the underworld and the human world.


Devil May Cry Novels and Manga

There are actually a few Novels and Manga's for Devil May Cry. All of them are online under https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html. Though if anyone wants to read Visions of V, I suggest this page https://mangakakalot.com/read-no1lg158504972337.